Rough Ridin' In Ottawa

While I'm a pretty progressive and fun thinker, my history of pushing the envelope has given me great foresight in these situations so I definitely saw this one coming all the way up Bank Street and I knew it was just a matter of time before someone whined. I just expected it sooner but I guess I shouldn't be at all surprised it took City Hall this long to react. It's quite the case of constipation we elected and it's a braintrust (if I may use that term, however so loosely) with a complete lack of vision for the city. So pardon our officials if they don't know whether to "shit or get off the pot".
If you ask me, the prime waft of arrogance permeates from City Hall itself with their persistent social and cultural engineering and their determination to impose a single set of moral interpretations on more than a million citizens in that they are doing it for "your own good" whether you like it or not. Adding insult and embarrassment to it all, they're consistently inconsistent. It's okay for restaurants and bars to suffer from a heavy handed and swiftly delivered smoking ban with no provisional considerations but Rideau Carleton Raceway Slots can have, for all intents and purposes, an indoor smoking room. It's alright to facilitate drug use by giving away free needles and crack pipes but exposing one's breasts in public is the biggest detriment to society.
For Jan Harder to raise ethical concerns may be one thing but for her to volley cheap personal insults and engage in name calling is downright shameful for an elected official and we're all the better for the fact she will not seek re-election next year. She's a classic example of the arrogance and ignorance that is rampant on Elgin Street. I think the Mardi Gras promotion should end right this minute and the remaining beads be draped over City Hall since the real boobs are our elected representatives and they've been exposed as such for far too long.
Next up, Lonie... how about "Show us your PUNT"?
Read all about it in Earl McRea's column in today's Ottawa Sun
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