Fishing For Theories In Troubled Waters
I'm getting behind in my blogging again. Every time I do, there just seems to be more and more to yak at. It's getting tougher and tougher to keep up, especially with current spate of Liberal scandals.
There seems to be a daily dishing of "Scoop du Jour" surrounding the Martin government. One could even go so far as to consiracy theorize that someone on the inside is having way too much fun making sure these stink bombs are dropped with precision timing; not too much at once and not too far apart - gotta keep the momentum. I'm also getting giddy at speculating as to just how much is in the arsenal. In just the last couple of weeks, we've heard about Dingwall's minty tastes, Volpe's Pizza toppers, Raymond Chan's campaign cha-ching funneling, Indian and Northern Affairs no-paper contract and the Department of Fishy Spending.
As for just who is masterminding this methodical dredging and divulging, we'd be here for months poring over the Liberal Party membership list, never mind their parliamentary roster. There just can't be too many happy Liberals right now.
My wife has a theory, though. She suspects:

I'm not sure what foundation she's using for this theory. Yes, a Liberal insider he is. And, no, he's not a fan of Paul Martin. But Warren Kinsella, as distanced from Martin as he is, would still have difficulty handling such delicate matters without jumping up and down with glee and claiming ownership of such bold, new and damaging information. I mean, just look at him. Does that look like a man with a head full of hot tips? Aaaaah. Maybe you're thinking stealth, here, eh? Nah.
I'll ignore all such theories and go with the notion that there's just too much corruption in the Liberal culture and it's seeping out through any crack it can find. Their levee's breaking. My advice is to order a complete evacuation of the party before it's too late.
Now, I'm a fan of Warren Kinsella's for various reasons but being a Liberal is not one of them. It's hard to argue with his survival instincts and his political and imaging savvy. The fact that he was once an angst-ridden punk musician (and still is - without the angst) and is now considered one of the premiere relief pitchers in the sport of political hardball makes him quite the dichotomy wrapped in an enigma. The man fascinates me. He has my respect. But I'd be a complete fool to believe that, just because he has a hate on for Martin, he'd be anywhere close to buying a Conservative membership. Anything positive that he writes or says about Stephen Harper is merely a convenient underscore of his disdain for the current Prime Minister.
Still, for now, Warren and I can joyfully share in the same olfactory stimulation from that which wafts from something rotten in the State of Dithers. Last week, it was the mint and pizza. And it smelled like fish. This week, it's actually fish. And it just won't go away.
There seems to be a daily dishing of "Scoop du Jour" surrounding the Martin government. One could even go so far as to consiracy theorize that someone on the inside is having way too much fun making sure these stink bombs are dropped with precision timing; not too much at once and not too far apart - gotta keep the momentum. I'm also getting giddy at speculating as to just how much is in the arsenal. In just the last couple of weeks, we've heard about Dingwall's minty tastes, Volpe's Pizza toppers, Raymond Chan's campaign cha-ching funneling, Indian and Northern Affairs no-paper contract and the Department of Fishy Spending.
As for just who is masterminding this methodical dredging and divulging, we'd be here for months poring over the Liberal Party membership list, never mind their parliamentary roster. There just can't be too many happy Liberals right now.
My wife has a theory, though. She suspects:

I'm not sure what foundation she's using for this theory. Yes, a Liberal insider he is. And, no, he's not a fan of Paul Martin. But Warren Kinsella, as distanced from Martin as he is, would still have difficulty handling such delicate matters without jumping up and down with glee and claiming ownership of such bold, new and damaging information. I mean, just look at him. Does that look like a man with a head full of hot tips? Aaaaah. Maybe you're thinking stealth, here, eh? Nah.
I'll ignore all such theories and go with the notion that there's just too much corruption in the Liberal culture and it's seeping out through any crack it can find. Their levee's breaking. My advice is to order a complete evacuation of the party before it's too late.
Now, I'm a fan of Warren Kinsella's for various reasons but being a Liberal is not one of them. It's hard to argue with his survival instincts and his political and imaging savvy. The fact that he was once an angst-ridden punk musician (and still is - without the angst) and is now considered one of the premiere relief pitchers in the sport of political hardball makes him quite the dichotomy wrapped in an enigma. The man fascinates me. He has my respect. But I'd be a complete fool to believe that, just because he has a hate on for Martin, he'd be anywhere close to buying a Conservative membership. Anything positive that he writes or says about Stephen Harper is merely a convenient underscore of his disdain for the current Prime Minister.
Still, for now, Warren and I can joyfully share in the same olfactory stimulation from that which wafts from something rotten in the State of Dithers. Last week, it was the mint and pizza. And it smelled like fish. This week, it's actually fish. And it just won't go away.
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