Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I Think I Just Became A Loyola-ist!!

I think I speak for Beatles fans everywhere when I say "Thank You"!!

Fisheries Minister Loyola Hearn is claiming responsibility for the breakup of Paul McCartney and Heather Mills.

Not that I don't like seals. But this bleedin' heart world-travellin' do-gooder was clearly way over her head with the seal hunt and the last thing Sir Paul needed was to be dragged across the Atlantic only to go crawling around an ice flow so that precious Ms. Heather could hug a cod-gobbling seal. (As pictured below, it must have mistaken her for a fish because it attempted to take a bite out of her.)

From Today's Ottawa Sun

(Hearn) pointed to McCartney's famous appearance last spring on the Larry King Live Show.
McCartney was debating Williams, the Newfoundland premier, on the merits of the seal hunt.
Hearn said McCartney appeared to appreciate the points Williams made, while his wife - a vocal animal-rights activist - was "not so gracious."
McCartney saw a different woman that night, Hearn said, and that may have changed his view of her.
And he joked: "We'll take some credit for that."

Amen to that!

Now her true colours are coming out in the divorce action.

Don't mess with a Beatle.

My friend's bumper sticker says it all: "Still pissed at Yoko".


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