Ottawa Radio Host, Humorist, Producer, Writer, Blogger, WebGeek C o n s e r v a t i v e
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Quick! Someone Make A "Grit Quit" Counter!
Today, comes another announcement of a Liberal "retirement" from politics. On the heels of Paul Martin, Bill Graham, Joe Comuzzi, Jean Lapierre and a host of others, Lucienne Robillard has decided not to run again.
In The Spirit Of Christmas is a grass roots charity initiative serving, primarily, Ottawa West shelters and low income citizens with gifts and food hampers for their families at Christmas time.
Woody has Conservative political affiliation and is a radio personality in Ottawa with several community efforts in progress.
The Chixie Dicks are a non partisan band who, themselves, are a PARTY. We're available for most charity invites. Will work non-charity events for fees forwarded to OUR favourite causes.
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