Thursday, April 12, 2007

The New Jack Bauer Drinking Game: Dammit, Eh?

It makes sense, in the Canadian context, that the content matter of upcoming episodes of 24 would hit many places around the world, including Canada.

From TV Squad, h/t National Newswatch, that the Kansas City Star featured an interview with 24 producer and director, Jon Cassar, in which he eluded to the possibility of a Canadian terrorist element.

“We are absolutely evenly employing all the bad guys of all nations,” Cassar says. “Some told me, because I’m Canadian, they said, ‘Hey, why are you leaving us out? Why can’t we be the bad guys?’ I’m like, ‘Good idea. Quebec separatists could be the terrorists.’

“I’d like to go after the Nazis, but they’re not around.”

If this comes to pass, Canadians are going to have to reconfigure this whole Jack Bauer drinking game. View Below for the explanation.

Or... If you're brave enough, you can play the COMPLETE 24 Drinking Game.


Blogger rabbit said...

I've been watching 24. By my calculation, Jack hasn't slept in 78 hours. The man is superhuman, I tell ya.

12/4/07 6:17 PM  

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