Monday, April 09, 2007

Recall Dalton? If only...

What Part of "will not raise your taxes" does Dalton not understand? Today, in the Financial Post, he at least admitted to not regretting tax hikes. Corporate or not, "I will not raise your taxes" was the promise made to EVERY Ontarian four years ago.

If only he could recall his promises. I realize it's hard for a Liberal to remember because it's a bloody force of habit for them to hand promises out like candy.

It would do us all good, in fact, to refresh our memories back to 2003.

This Canada has great long list and I find the comment thread somewhat amusing.

Crux-Of-The-Matter has detailed her "Top Ten", if you will.

It's highly recommended that every voter be reminded by October 10th, 2007.

If Ontarians can't "recall" McGuinty, they should at least remember the broken promises and the ineffective governance of the past four years.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Ontario PC's would be most wise to run similar ads to that of the federal CPC against Dion, with their target being McGuinty.
(real conservative)

9/4/07 6:48 PM  

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