If it "Suits" The Grits, Do We Acquit??
Joan Tintor made a poignant observation earlier this week when she observed the number of occurances of Liberal posturings of righteous indignation in recent months. Now, while, as she also points out with her inclusion of a MacLean's piece in her posting, no party is exempt from criticism when it comes to decorum and substance (or lack thereof), it used to be that an apology demand would suffice whenever an ego-bruise was measured.
Today, though, in our ever bourgeoning litigious world, some suspect that the Libs are setting the table for the ultimate re-brand and their imminant resurgance to glory. As itemized by Tintor, Gerard Kennedy and two Liberal MP's have begun legal proceedings against the National Post and a fourth, Mark Holland, is considering action against the Calgary Sun. And, while these documented accounts of litigation are percentagely lower than than the traditionally episodic whining, the recency suggest a trend.
It's a cunning and highly systematic scheme, my friends, which just might work, thanks to the collective Task Forces On Liberal Renewal. The results of their tireless efforts to yield the quickest return to power has been revealed.
(Drum Roll, Please.......
and now, if you will, a collective "Ta-dah"!)

As former special counsel to President Nixon, Charles Colson, once espoused, "When you've got 'em by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow."
How 'bout a SLOGAN, now.
Your ideas are always welcome and will be cheerfully forwarded to the nearest task force we can locate.
There'll be no prize and, as always, wagering is not permitted.
Today, though, in our ever bourgeoning litigious world, some suspect that the Libs are setting the table for the ultimate re-brand and their imminant resurgance to glory. As itemized by Tintor, Gerard Kennedy and two Liberal MP's have begun legal proceedings against the National Post and a fourth, Mark Holland, is considering action against the Calgary Sun. And, while these documented accounts of litigation are percentagely lower than than the traditionally episodic whining, the recency suggest a trend.
It's a cunning and highly systematic scheme, my friends, which just might work, thanks to the collective Task Forces On Liberal Renewal. The results of their tireless efforts to yield the quickest return to power has been revealed.
(Drum Roll, Please.......
and now, if you will, a collective "Ta-dah"!)

As former special counsel to President Nixon, Charles Colson, once espoused, "When you've got 'em by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow."
How 'bout a SLOGAN, now.
Your ideas are always welcome and will be cheerfully forwarded to the nearest task force we can locate.
There'll be no prize and, as always, wagering is not permitted.
A slogan to fit the Liberal ideaology?
"Compromising our principals, one dollar at a time"
Don’t say boo: we might sue.
We give a writ.
How dare you?
Our lawyers can beat up your lawyers.
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