Thursday, April 05, 2007

The Pot Called The Kettle GREEN!

Liberal Party leader Stephane Dion, yesterday, called Prime Minister Stephen Harper a "short sighted hypocrite" in a speech to 750 Liberal supporters in Toronto.


"Never before has a Canadian government done so little with so much," Dion said, as some 30 members of his Toronto-area caucus looked on.

compared to what the Liberals did to too many with too much for far too little.

The budget, he said, did nothing for the poor or children, while the scrapping of the tax-free status of income trusts was a broken promise for which "a million Canadians paid the price."

...whereas, 33 million would have paid a higher price had the correction not been made.

Dion, a former environment minister, accused the prime minister of cloaking himself in green now that polls show Canadians want action on climate change.

...whereas, calling your dog KYOTO!.. Now, THAT'S action!!!

For what's been accomplished during one year in office, compared to the previous decade and change, it's easy to understand Dion's desperate need to lean heavily on the rhetoric.

Meanwhile, Jack Layton says he's ready for an election... just to get his name in the news.

LATE QUOTE FROM DION: "Do you think it's easy being green?"

Ask Kermit!


Blogger Tony said...

"Never before has a Canadian government done so little with so much"

I think that line is getting stale. Liberal leader, Stephane Dion needs to employ some new strategies if his intention is to effectively attack PMSH.

5/4/07 6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought Dion wasn't going to run a nasty, negative campaign?
Then why did he call the Prime Minister a hypocrite?
Sounds negative to me!

6/4/07 12:47 AM  

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