Larry O'Brien Campaign Website Impresses
Ottawa Mayoral candidate Larry O'Brien's campaign website has turned some heads over the past couple of weeks. Transforming from a static traditional site standard to a 2.0 version, very much a blog format (a popular look today), O'Brien's content looks constantly fresh.
The site is also receiving media praise, both MSM and new media.
From Ottawa Start Blog:
Out of the three main mayoral candidates, O'Brien is clearly in the lead when it comes to embracing internet technology. He has a blog, he posts his campaign ads on YouTube, and he's even using Google Adwords to advertise online.
From The Ottawa Citizen's Curbs And Gutters by Dave Reevely:
O'Brien's entries read like the first-draft thoughts of a pretty smart guy who's spending a lot of time thinking about municipal politics, which, when you think about it, is exactly what you'd want to read from a candidate for mayor.
Compare Bob Chiarelli's "blog," which is more or less a list of the places he campaigned each day and some breathless observations about what a truly excellent place Ottawa is. "What a city and people to be proud of!" the mayor muses for Oct. 14 and 15, reflecting on a fundraiser for defibrillators in schools. The next day, he campaigned in Westboro: "This city from end to end is an amazing place, and I am looking forward to the opportunity, that this campaign gives, to address every corner and community in Ottawa to express my vision for what Ottawa is and should be." I'm not sure which is scarier: that Bob Chiarelli thinks his interests are best served by having us believe his insights into the city he's led for nine years are that shallow or that they actually might be.
Not that a website alone can win an election. But it does demonstrate that O'Brien is in touch with today and is using the blog format as one method of getting his message out. And these days, it's a very effective one for web users.
From Ottawa Start Blog:
Out of the three main mayoral candidates, O'Brien is clearly in the lead when it comes to embracing internet technology. He has a blog, he posts his campaign ads on YouTube, and he's even using Google Adwords to advertise online.
From The Ottawa Citizen's Curbs And Gutters by Dave Reevely:
O'Brien's entries read like the first-draft thoughts of a pretty smart guy who's spending a lot of time thinking about municipal politics, which, when you think about it, is exactly what you'd want to read from a candidate for mayor.
Compare Bob Chiarelli's "blog," which is more or less a list of the places he campaigned each day and some breathless observations about what a truly excellent place Ottawa is. "What a city and people to be proud of!" the mayor muses for Oct. 14 and 15, reflecting on a fundraiser for defibrillators in schools. The next day, he campaigned in Westboro: "This city from end to end is an amazing place, and I am looking forward to the opportunity, that this campaign gives, to address every corner and community in Ottawa to express my vision for what Ottawa is and should be." I'm not sure which is scarier: that Bob Chiarelli thinks his interests are best served by having us believe his insights into the city he's led for nine years are that shallow or that they actually might be.
Not that a website alone can win an election. But it does demonstrate that O'Brien is in touch with today and is using the blog format as one method of getting his message out. And these days, it's a very effective one for web users.
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