Que Dion, Dion! Come What May, May Come Red.

No matter how they spin it, Liberal slight of hand or no, this will not work for Nova Scotian Liberals, hence, it will not for Nova Scotians, PERIOD!!
Sucking the pride out of the grass roots of your own party is not the way to ensure success and, the bleeding can spread riding to riding quickly in a party.
What this move only ensures is what many have suspected all along; a standing relationship between Elizabeth May and Stephane Dion or, indirectly, the Liberal Party.
What has us scratching our collective heads is how May can say that Stephane Dion's record on the environment is, somehow, "magnificent".
It's easy, from Dion's perspective, to see the big picture. Take out an enemy without incurring any casualties of your own - and, lord knows, he can't afford any more. But doing so, in such a way, pretty much smacks of selling arms without engaging in the war.
As for May, like Belinda Stronach once said of HER situation, the environment must be a pretty complex file for her to regard Dion's performance as "magnificent".
Or, also like Belinda, perhaps the trappings of future ambitions are just too irrestistable to refuse.

Yup, she does look good in red.
Woody wrote: "Sucking the pride out of the grass roots of your own party is not the way to ensure success and, the bleeding can spread riding to riding quickly in a party."
I wonder how many Liberals in West Nova who have just been spurned by the "leader" will actively campaign for anyone but Elizabeth May?
It seems that Dion would rather elect Greens than Liberals.
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