Good News Is The Best Tonic

Mrs. Woody and I, along with others, were invited to join Ottawa West-Nepean candidate John Baird to attend the announcement in the Railroad Room on Parliament Hill. Unfortunately, I had a little radio show to do and we couldn't make it. It was then we decided to make the hour-long drive out to Casselman to see Stephen speak to supporters in Glengarry-Prescott-Russell on Friday night.
Bouyed by the Ipsos results of Friday morning, Harper appeared refreshed and energized. I've always seen him to be calm and casual and, despite a majority media impression, comfortable around people. Let's face facts. He's always been a bit on the shy side. Mild-mannered and unassuming. Not very gregarious but not exactly a wall-flower. He's a polite and respectful man and attentive when greeting the public. But, on this night, there was just a little more zip in his delivery. Confidence is a wonderful thing and if I could notice a difference in Stephen Harper, the news had to be well received, despite his guarded tenor toward polls. Because, you see, this wasn't just any poll. This was Ipsos-Reid.
Ipsos-Reid: The firm that, not one week ago, showed the Liberals at 38 percent, a 12 point lead on the Conservatives. Ipso-Reid:. The firm that has not shown favourable Tory numbers since early May. Ipsos-Reid: The firm that, by comparison to other pollsters, has always turned out an ironically conservative Conservative result - almost begrudging a Conservative lead in support.
Ipsos-Reid. The mecca of media spin. When you have Ipsos, you have impetus.
Stephen Harper, as he did that morning on the hill, rolled out his Federal Accountability Act before a packed Casselview Golf and Country Club with GPR candidate Pierre Lemieux, Defense Critic Gordon O'Connor and Jason Kenney in attendance, among other local notables.
He listed the bullet points of his proposed first piece of legislation as Prime Minister. As he proceeded his delivery became stronger. It quickly crescendoed to a campaign style look and feel. His 'Stand Up For Canada' refrain to close the speech was the stuff great patriotic orations are made of. I wish I could remember his words but I got caught up in the moment. Yes, folks, the feeling was actually passionate.
After he spoke, he met with the jammed room of supporters, one by one, group by group, for what seemed to be another hour. Mrs. Woody and I had specific business regarding our own riding's newsletter with our printer, who was also in attendance. Once we had concluded, we were on our way back to Ottawa. Stephen was still greeting supporters and by, the looks of things, he was still going to be a while.
There is a trend working in the Conservative favour now. Yesterday, Strategic Counsel, revealed a three point Conservative lead in public opinion. It's the first time any pollster has published that kind of news since before June. What's more encouraging, and I've said this before, Conservative numbers have not only been more consistent, they've also translated to be more efficient for the party.
If the news gets any better, Stephen might just relax with the media a bit more. And that couldn't come at a better time. This country doesn't need charisma. Nor does it need Paul Martin style partisan rhetoric. It needs honest-to-goodness Leadership. It needs Stephen Harper. And the way to the voters is through those that write, report and editorialize. The more comfortable he is with the media, the more comfortable the media will be in writing positively about him. I know. I know messenging. I know the messages. I know the media.
I AM the media.
And I know Stephen Harper, Canada's Next Prime Minister. (Get used to it, Stephen. You WILL BE!) He was never in it for his ego. And that makes him the best candidate.
All Conservatives must now work hard enough to make Stephen Harper Canada's most reluctant Prime Minister. Maybe then, we'll see the attention average Canadians deserve from our government.
The best news to put a real spring in his step is the news that, on election night, he not only won the keys to 24 Sussex, but that he won a majority mandate to do the work Canadians have be denied for the past 15-plus years. For that to happen, it takes a team effort. We all must check our egos at the door. It's not fair to expect the work to be done at the top unless we're all about the same effort.
That's why I was at the GPR Harper rally. I didn't need Stephen's face time. I was there to support my neighboring riding. If my celebrity did something to help by being there, it was a mission accomplished. Stephen and I did not speak that night, although he was aware of my presence in the room. He had his job to do and I had mine.. like you have yours to do:
Let's make it a reality. Stand up for Canada. Stand United. Stand Strong. Stand for something...... or you'll fall for anything! That, at the grass roots level, should be our message.
Just one li'l boy's opinion.
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