Confessions Of A Party Organizer: Part II

I shouldn't even talk about it but it's the talk that gets the talk and that's what gets me talking. If people would just shut up, I'd have nothing to say.
It all started with Carol Jamieson's Open Letter. Well, actually, long before that.
So, there I was, quietly working on the riding association's website.... or was I cleaning out my minivan to make room for a shipment of banquet utensils for a campaign fundraiser with Laureen Harper.... or was I doing something for the provincial party??... Any whoooooooooooo...
The spectre of Carol Jamieson reared her ugly head again. This time she brought all her friends. Her gang: Her Posse - well... a handful of Belindanista Desperados at best. Thank god for Paul Wells. I was so busy being on a riding association board of directors doing my part to help get my candidate elected, which is the mandate for the membership board which is, itself, elected and accountable to the membership who are, in my case, Conservatives and who - in ANY case - would brand, tar and feather any of us who would do something so egregious as to attack the leader of the party and create the downhill domino effect of plummeting confidence in the very candidate on the ground that we're supposed to get elected!!.. (deep breath) .. Where was I? Oh yeah, Inkless!.. His objective take on the whole thing is what got me through the week when I couldn't vent my spleen out here in the spleenosphere because I was too busy being a party organizer.
"Having been one of the first to report the existence of this movement, it's only fair that I report its pathetic failure. (Technical note: I'd link to the website, but I gave these guys plenty of free publicity already and they didn't do much with it.)" Look for the Sept 20th aptly titled entry "Pffft"
Touche, I say! Enough said! Or is it?
This was small potatoes at the worst. But something made it bigger. Ya know what it was? The reaction.
Every time someone said something, the media was waiting for the reaction. And, apparently, enough hasn't been said, because it's still being talked about. Now, I can understand the bloggers, the pundits, the columnists chiming in with their opinions and forecasting the wind directions of this tempest in a teacup. After all, it makes our streets safer at night. But then it happened. It had to, I guess. The media wouldn't leave it alone unless it happened. And now that it has happened, they can't leave it alone because now they have to volley the reaction out there for more reaction because this reaction came from Harper, himself. I cautioned against it. But I'm not a high ranking Tory insider - I'm just a party organizer.
"Any Conservative, anywhere, at any time, can, by criticizing other Conservatives, become an instant and enormous media star. That's just the way it is, we'll have to get used to it,''
Stephen Harper did the best he could. He ignored it. But it wouldn't go away. So, he finally said something to party staffers. No one else. Oh, wait. Yeah, someone else was in the room. It was the media. Funny how we hear about stuff, eh? Even the stuff that isn't newsworthy.
So now the story has new legs. "Why?", I ask. CPAC is giving Jamieson a little add-on to her 15 minutes tomorrow night and, god bless Stephen Taylor and other Conservative bloggers out there, but giving her your attention is all Jamieson wants. (I know, I know. I'm guilty, too, for talking about the talking abouts.)
The most effective response to this call-in show is no response at all. The issue just doesn't deserve its moment and the more focus it receives, the more credibility our little "party organizer" will enjoy.
I would've blogged earlier in the week but I was busy with a John Baird fundraiser with Laureen Harper.
I'll have some thoughts later on the event and this marvelous woman (pictured above with John and myself).