A Hill Of A Success

in just a couple of hours. More on it here.
It was total cooperation between the parties and the media sponsors that made it the success it was. Radio station vehicles lined the laneway at the Wellington Street steps as television, print and radio people worked through the 2,000 plus crowd to meet folks or get a story and grab a burger.
It was a great way to spend your lunch hour. While I was there to file reports back to the radio station, I met alot of friends and made a few new ones. Even Cuzzin' Stephen smiled at me. Or maybe he was just squinting through the smoke. You know, for a guy who oughta be tired of flippin' burgers, he was the only leader that didn't bolt after the media-frenzied photo-op.
I'd keep rambling but pictures say so much more. Captions, too!
Below are just a few shots of my day on the hill.

Intrepid Hill Reporter Woody

Pete's Birthday's Just One Day After Mine!
I knew there was a reason I like him.

"Don't worry, Harps! Club soda'll get that out!"

"Meet My New Chauffeur"