Saturday, April 07, 2007
Friday, April 06, 2007
Just For "Plane" Amusement....
Pretty "plane" to see that the Dion Liberals are "so not ready" for an election when they can't even secure a campaign jet.
However, not all is lost for the Grits. Turns out long-time Saskatchewan Liberal supporter Hans Stoppemfrumfloppin has stepped forward to donate his two prized aircraft for the campaign.
Seen below, the two vintage Liberal Fokkers will be deployed on each coast and will criss-cross the country throughout the next campaign as Liberal leader Stephane Dion alternates from one Liberal Fokker to another, making as many campaign stops as possible along the way.
Throughout the next election campaign, Canadians will clearly see as one Liberal Fokker is moving left, another Fokker is heading right.
Those Liberal Fokkers. They've done it again!
However, not all is lost for the Grits. Turns out long-time Saskatchewan Liberal supporter Hans Stoppemfrumfloppin has stepped forward to donate his two prized aircraft for the campaign.
Seen below, the two vintage Liberal Fokkers will be deployed on each coast and will criss-cross the country throughout the next campaign as Liberal leader Stephane Dion alternates from one Liberal Fokker to another, making as many campaign stops as possible along the way.
Throughout the next election campaign, Canadians will clearly see as one Liberal Fokker is moving left, another Fokker is heading right.

Better Layton Never

At a news conference called specifically to vent his frustration over what he called "pre-electoral games," Layton said the Tories should tone down their rhetoric and get back to work, and he also accused the government of breaking one election promise after another. "The prime minister says he doesn't want an election. Is that so? Is that why we see election headquarters and bunkers being shown off before the cameras? Is that why we see half-baked promises … brought forward while at the same time sending out every signal that he is just itching for an election?" Layton asked.
A news conference to specifically vent his frustration. Layton's likely not as ready as he wants to be for an election but is doing a good job at getting face time, something difficult unless you're in the top two.
When the "we're ready, too" quote didn't get traction, he suddenly switched positions to flood the media with his own brand of anti-election rhetoric.
During the press conference, Layton unveiled the NDP's National Campaign War Room.

Thursday, April 05, 2007
The Pot Called The Kettle GREEN!

"Never before has a Canadian government done so little with so much," Dion said, as some 30 members of his Toronto-area caucus looked on.
...compared to what the Liberals did to too many with too much for far too little.
The budget, he said, did nothing for the poor or children, while the scrapping of the tax-free status of income trusts was a broken promise for which "a million Canadians paid the price."
...whereas, 33 million would have paid a higher price had the correction not been made.
Dion, a former environment minister, accused the prime minister of cloaking himself in green now that polls show Canadians want action on climate change.
...whereas, calling your dog KYOTO!.. Now, THAT'S action!!!
For what's been accomplished during one year in office, compared to the previous decade and change, it's easy to understand Dion's desperate need to lean heavily on the rhetoric.
Meanwhile, Jack Layton says he's ready for an election... just to get his name in the news.
LATE QUOTE FROM DION: "Do you think it's easy being green?"
Ask Kermit!
Quick! Someone Make A "Grit Quit" Counter!

The bleeding continues.....
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
All's Fair in Love and War Rooms

Having stated that the new ads are a signal of a looming election, Liberal leader Stephane Dion can only be wiping the bits of yolk and shell off of his face after rally-crying last week, "We are ready. We are ready. We are ready" (also, to the chagrin of a senior Lib who admitted that they are "so not ready"). While the Liberal Party, being out fundraised 2:1 by the Tories, frantically throws its election machine into

In fact, the Dion Liberals are about to unveil their own War Room, replete with office furniture, computers and, yes, even chairs.

Yes, I know, "That's unfair."
Monday, April 02, 2007
A Picture's Worth A Thousand Votes, They Say.
The lustre is coming off of Hillary Clinton's Democratic Leadership campaign already. According to Fox News, A Harris Interactive survey says that a majority will not vote for her, and a Gallup poll this week finds her favorability among Democratic primary voters dropping from 82 percent in January, to 74 percent in March.
The story goes on to say that, despite a lack of attacks from her opponents, it is Hillary’s own campaign appearances that are driving up her negatives!
Funny, I hadn't noticed anything unusual about her appearances. So, to be thorough with my report, I had to go back and study them.
Hmmmm. Interesting. Let's look further back, shall we?
Yes, yes. I'm beginning to see a pattern here. But, I'm still not convinced.
Oh, dear.
The story goes on to say that, despite a lack of attacks from her opponents, it is Hillary’s own campaign appearances that are driving up her negatives!
Funny, I hadn't noticed anything unusual about her appearances. So, to be thorough with my report, I had to go back and study them.

Sunday, April 01, 2007
In Other News.....

Still, just a few bloggers took the bait.
Perhaps a more believable scenario may have been to report that he's running in some riding called L'autre Ville de Faux.
Joel wasn't the only one to begin his day with a case of the "gotchas".
As a good time was had by all, a few were "had" by a headline.
... good times.
UPDATE: Dave commented on Joel's post the very clever and ambitious hoodwink delivered by National Newswatch. I, myself, had completely overlooked the giveaway in the browser address bar because of the detailing in the page, itself, right down to the ctv icon.
NICE WORK!! Punk'd on so many levels.