Saturday, November 11, 2006

Two Minutes: A Pittance Of Time

From Terry Kelly's Website:

On November 11, 1999 Terry Kelly was in a Shoppers Drug Mart store in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. At 10:55 AM an announcement came over the store's PA asking customers who would still be on the premises at 11:00 AM to give two minutes of silence in respect to the veterans who have sacrificed so much for us.

Terry was impressed with the store's leadership role in adopting the Legion's two minutes of silence initiative. He felt that the store's contribution of educating the public to the importance of remembering was commendable.

When eleven o'clock arrived on that day, an announcement was again made asking for the two minutes of silence to commence. All customers, with the exception of a man who was accompanied by his young child, showed their respect.

Terry's anger towards the father for trying to engage the store's clerk in conversation and for setting a bad example for his child was channeled into a beautiful piece of work called, A Pittance of Time. Terry later recorded A Pittance of Time and included it on his full-length music CD, The Power of the Dream.

In the interest of creating a greater awareness of the sacrifices that have been made and are still being made on our behalf, A Pittance of Time has been adapted to the French language and titled C'est si peu de temps. Music videos for both audio tracks too were produced in support of the campaign and a musical/theatrical concert production, Two Minutes of Silence - A Pittance of Time, was written for the stage.

Two Minutes of Silence - A Pittance of Time combines music and theatre in an emotional production that looks at the folly of war. The inspirational songs and dramatic monologues evoke memories both tinged with sadness and joy that ultimately underscore the need for hope and faith in the goodness of humankind.

We shall never forget!

Larry O'Brien Leads In Latest Poll

You could feel it in the room at Sala San Marco Thursday night. Close to 500 supporters attended at rally to support Larry O'Brien. The campaign momentum that has been increasing exponentially for weeks is still showing no signs of stopping.

This morning, we're greeted with the latest news:

O'Brien leaps into the lead

According to a Citizen-Decima Research survey, 37 per cent of decided voters would back Mr. O'Brien if an election were held today. Another 32 per cent pick Mr. Munter and 11 per cent back Mr. Chiarelli. But when voters leaning towards a candidate are factored in, Mr. O'Brien leads by 45 per cent, followed by Mr. Munter at 41 per cent and Mr. Chiarelli at 14 per cent.

If the numbers hold over the remaining two days, 57-year-old Mr. O'Brien would pull off an incredible victory, leaving Mr. Chiarelli with the dubious honour of being the first elected mayor in more than 40 years to be defeated in office.

Two More Sleeps!!!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

O'Brien Rally Tonight - Don't Forget To RSVP

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

O'Brien Keeps Convincing: A "Genuine" Example

Call it "damage control". Call it "spin doctoring". Call it "spinning your wheels". It's likely what Larry O'Brien's opponents are salivating over today. But they'd be pulling a risky one if they do because what Larry O'Brien has done is what many voters have long waited to see from a politician; take an honest stand and admit a mistake.

I call it "being genuine".

Maybe it's because he's not a professional politician; because he doesn't have long-in-the-tooth political spinners and handlers on his campaign, that he's afforded a refreshing aura of clarity in his mission. It's the stuff that has created a self-made millionaire out of the humblest of beginnings and it all started with an honest day's work.

For his defence, we can all agree that Larry O'Brien's remarks last week- suggesting citizens stop giving money to panhandlers to feed their drug habits - WAS and IS the only appropriate position to take. He simply articulated this in a general term and the jump was made to the wrong conclusion.

But what's refreshing in the wake of a street citizen's criticism of O'Brien's comment is that the candidate didn't spin the matter. He didn't lament that he was taken out of context. And he didn't cast blame.

He took ownership. He took responsibility. And he took command of the situation.

It all started November 1st, when O'Brien took a tour of the Byward market and made comments to a reporter:

Don't help panhandlers: O'Brien

"It was an eye-opening experience, to see the clear relationship between panhandling and the drug trade," he said.

He said people giving money to panhandlers are often unwittingly contribution to drug use.

If elected, he said, he would start a public information campaign to tell people they aren’t doing panhandlers any favours by giving them money.

"We are killing them with kindness," he said.

What resulted was the general reaction to a stereotype and one man's exception to it. Panhandler Dennis Pettigrew needed to be heard.

No crack for panhandler

What Pettigrew, 54, says he found most hurtful was when a young boy walking with his mother passed him on the street a couple of days ago.

"He pointed to me and said 'there's one of those crackheads mom,'" said Pettigrew, bowing and shaking his head. "That hurts. It really does."

Pettigrew was heard. But what he, himself, heard next was from a most unlikely source these days: the politician responsible for his hurt and confusion.

O'Brien apologizes for remarks

"I truly apologize if what I said hurt you," O'Brien said, putting his hand on Pettigrew's shoulder.


Listening intently to what Pettigrew had to say yesterday, O'Brien agreed the city isn't doing enough to make sure people like him are receiving the services they need. "The most effective thing I can do is make sure the organizations intended to help ... are operating as they should," said O'Brien, asking if there was anything more the city could do to help.

"I'd like there to be an ambassador. Someone from the street that could speak to council," Pettigrew told O'Brien.

O'Brien seemed to like the idea.

"Your ideas and judgment are sound," said O'Brien. "I want to keep listening to you. Let's be agents of change.">

What Larry O'Brien succeeded in doing was bring attention to the reality that drugs are a problem on our streets and that a significant percentage of panhandlers are addicts. But there was collateral damage to the reputations of those with genuine need, which was the result of a kneejerk jump to stereotype.

O'Brien's "killing them with kindness" quote represented his genuine concern for the addicted. His direct and contrite response to Mr. Pettigrew represents his genuine concern for the truth. His courageous return to the market to meet personally with Pettigrew resulted in greater perspective, new information and ideas that lead to solutions. "I want to keep listening to you. Let's be agents of change." A genuine attitude that led to genuine success for a genuine leader.

Larry O'Brien, for his first time in the political arena, by his own admission, is getting on-the-job training every day. And every day his performance strengthens, his confidence deepens and his knowledge base widens.

He now knows what the box looks like. He knows where the box is. He'll think outside it quite comfortably. He knows where the lines are but don't be surprised if the crayon draws a new line. It's the innovative quality that promotes "what could be". It says "this can be done!"

As Larry O'Brien's opponents and critics continue howling that Larry O'Brien is not ready for the job of Mayor of Ottawa, it's now time for a new crayon to write the new ballot question...

Because the job is DEFINITELY ready for Larry O'Brien.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Momentum: O'Brien - "A vote for Bob is a vote for Alex"

With less than a week to go in the Ottawa municipal race, Larry O'Brien continues to close the margin between he and frontrunner Alex Munter, with Bob Chiarelli's support dropping like a rock. It's been circling the drain for some time for Chiarelli and now it looks as though the bottom is falling out.

Recent Media:

Poll shows Chiarelli support down to 17 per cent

Mr. Munter has enjoyed support in the 40-per-cent range for much of the past month, but the mayor’s losses and a strong performance by the O’Brien camp appear to be catching up with him.

Challenger changes gears

Leading mayoral candidate Alex Munter no longer views Mayor Bob Chiarelli as his main threat and is focusing his homestretch campaign on discrediting hi-tech millionaire Larry O'Brien.

O'Brien on the offensive

O'Brien: "The candidate to my left must think I'm getting close to him, he's coming at me with both barrels."

This is a winnable race for O'Brien and, with as much of his own momentum, the parked Chiarelli vote is likely to ride that momentum as Munter has not only saturated his take of former Chiarelli support, he has also peaked in public opinion and the Chiarelli core that doesn't support Munter know that "a vote for Bob is a vote for Alex".

Expect Chiarelli's hemorhaging to continue with the flow of support moving to O'Brien.

Monday, November 06, 2006

"Wham" BLAMS The Tram in Ottawa

As the November 13th municipal election draws nearer with the Ottawa LRT issue hitched firmly to the ballot question (although I believe the question is a more direct one: Who do you trust to lead the city responsibly for the next FOUR years?), we find stronger activity in the blogosphere surrounding the light rail controversey.

Many questions yet unanswered. Many answers still unacceptable.

One man, a strong municipal advocate for the past few years, is emerging with a growing volume of compelling perspectives and arguments regarding the North-South transit plan. Robert Diotte's blog The Ottawa-WHAMMER! A Musical Dramady reads like a reference library for the transit issue, complete with links to audio and video archives from the media and other sources, peppered with a measure of sarcastic wit.

The reason for the blog's existence?...

The Birth of the Ottawa-WHAMMER! A Musical Dramady came about when it became clear to me that Ottawa City Council was on the wrong track with Light Rail. Anyone who has eyes can see the truth. And the thruth shall set you free.

It's worth checking out.

For more articling with critical documentation, visit This site links to other like-minded blogs and serves as a good primer for anyone unfamiliar with the many facets of this controversial project.

More From The Department of Hmmmmmm...

Clairvoyant led Americans to Saddam, says Geller

... I don't know what to really be afraid of now: That the American military had to go outside its own intel or that George W. is listening to his toaster.

Why do so few people vote in the U.S.?

... see above story...

Other ridulous items in the news found here.